
She Ditched Her Friend At A Mexican Restaurant After She Made A Big Scene Over Finding A Bay Leaf In Their Nachos

Black Mamba - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever been embarrassed by someone who made a scene in a restaurant? For instance, have you ever witnessed a friend or family member overreact to something while sitting down at a restaurant and had to painfully watch them scold a staff member?

This recently happened to one woman who had to ditch her friend after she made a big fuss over finding a bay leaf in her food at a Mexican restaurant.

She’s 24-years-old and has a coworker of the same age. Over the years, they’ve become good friends, and she likes to grab lunch with her every day.

She’s never had any issues with her coworker until recently. 

The other day, they decided to try getting lunch from a new restaurant. After a quick search online, they came across a local Mexican restaurant and decided to go on their lunch break.

After getting seated, they ordered something quickly since they had limited time. They chose to share a plate of nachos and got right to eating.

When they were about halfway through eating the nachos, her coworker pulled out her phone and took a picture of the plate. She noticed her coworker looked disgusted as she pointed to something on the plate.

Then, she saw her coworker pointing at a bay leaf that had ended up in their pile of nachos. Her coworker did not clearly understand the use of bay leaves in cooking and thought it was a random leaf from outside that had carelessly ended up in their food.

“I almost wanted to laugh, but I didn’t because, in all honesty, I had no idea what a bay leaf was or what it was used for in cooking until about a year or so prior,” she explained.

Black Mamba – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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