She Really Likes A Guy She’s Seeing, But Thinks It’s Weird He Never Takes Her Out On The Weekend

This 36-year-old woman recently met a guy, who is 34, on a dating app. So, they went on a first date on a Thursday night, and their first encounter with each other went “alright.”
She did sense some nervousness, but she also thought the man was a good guy. He was a great communicator, seemed interesting, and she was attracted to him– which was a plus.
That’s why she decided to give the man a second chance, and they went out on another date the following Thursday.
“It was much better. I think we were both more relaxed, and it was also at a bar with games, so we were playing around and eventually sat down on this comfy bench where we snuggled a little,” she recalled.
So, she and the guy went on a third date, which was also– surprise, surprise– on a Thursday. But their third date also went wonderfully and, according to her, was even more fun!
She really appreciated that the guy was a consistently good communicator, too. However, just last week, she started to feel a bit hesitant about one recurring date characteristic– they never, ever went out on the weekend.
That’s why, the next time they wanted to hang out, she suggested that they meet up on a Saturday night or go out to brunch on a Sunday. This was the first time she ever proposed meeting up on a weekend.
But, the guy claimed to have run into some old friends who he was going to reconnect with on Saturday.
So, she left it alone. Yet when Sunday morning came around, the guy texted her and made no mention of brunch.

Nebojsa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
“He texted me just chatting, and I was kind of annoyed at this point, so I just went about my day and what I had planned and thought I would sit on how I felt and evaluate it and not text back,” she explained.
Then, at about 6:00 p.m. that Sunday, the guy texted about taking a rain check on their brunch. But she didn’t respond until a few hours later, after she got home from an event– telling the guy that she had a great time and that she hoped he also enjoyed his weekend.
Finally, the next morning, he messaged her and asked to hang out either that evening or the following day. And she has not yet responded.
Quite frankly, the fact that they have never once gotten together on a weekend is just simply throwing her off. She knew that the prior weekend, he had taken a trip to Atlantic City. But she was not sure what he had going on the other weekends.
Now, she doesn’t think the guy gives off bad vibes. In fact, he is actually pretty shy and has a more introverted demeanor.
Nonetheless, she thought he was a really good-looking man. That’s why she once went to show her friend his dating profile pictures but realized that they were no longer matched.
She brought that up to the guy, too, although he claimed that the same thing had happened to him.
“Maybe he marked off that we had met, and it got removed or something,” she reasoned.
“I didn’t really press it.”
Yet, during that same conversation, the guy managed to make a passing comment about how he had not been on the dating app in a while.
She realized that they also never discussed what they were really looking for, so she had no clue if he was searching for a relationship or not.
Still, she wants to have that discussion in person– not over text. And she is considering just telling the guy she is not available until the weekend just to see how it goes over.
“I mean, I feel like the weekend when you are off work is your most valued time, and if someone isn’t going to prioritize some of that time for me, it’s a turn-off,” she revealed.
“I want to be able to go out as late as we want and not have to be tired for work the next day.”
Still, since she has never dated someone who consistently wants to meet up during the week instead of on the weekend, she’s been left wondering whether the pattern really is strange or if she’s just overthinking it.
Do you think it’s weird that the guy never asks to go out on the weekend? Might this suggest he’s seeing other people, or could his schedule just be different? Would this throw you off? How should she go about addressing the situation?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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