She Snapped At A Hairdresser Who Kept Constantly Asking For Her Permission When Cutting Her Daughters’ Hair

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

When you were a kid, did your mom ever order your hairdresser to give you a haircut you hated? Some parents have the opposite experience and stand in a hair salon cringing as the hairstylist gives their kid a hairdo they can’t stand. 

One woman recently had a poor experience in a hair salon after a hairdresser constantly asked for her permission while cutting her daughters’ hair.

She has two teenage daughters. One is 14, and the other is 17. Each of her daughters has a unique hairstyle.

Her youngest has half of her head shaved in an undercut style, and her oldest has been asking for special styles for years. 

While she’s not the biggest fan of her daughters’ hairstyles, she is very insistent on letting them do whatever they want with their hair.

“Frankly, I don’t care what they do with their hair,” she explained. It’s hair, it grows back, and it’s on their head, not mine.”

The other day, her 14-year-old said she needed a haircut, so she brought her to a chain hair salon. As she parked her car, her 17-year-old pulled up next to her in the parking lot and said she needed a haircut, too, so the three of them went inside together. 

“The 14-year-old told them what she wanted and showed them a picture,” she recalled.

“They turned to me and asked if I was okay with it. I said whatever she wants, I’m fine with; they cut it and asked if I was okay with it.”

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

When the hairdresser was done, her youngest said she’d like it shorter. Once again, the hairdresser turned to her and asked if it was alright. She was getting frustrated, as she wanted the hairdresser to listen to her daughter instead of asking her permission. She instructed the hairdresser to cut her youngest’s hair at least two inches shorter.

Once that was over, her youngest was finally pleased with her hair, and it was time for her eldest to get hers done. 

As expected, her eldest asked for a very unique haircut, referencing an Anime character. While she thought the hairstyle was weird, she wanted to support her daughter. But once again, the hairdresser started asking her permission to cut her daughter’s hair.

She snapped at the hairdresser and said her daughter is 17, so she should be able to do what she wants with her hair, no matter how eccentric the cut is. 

“Quit asking me; I already said give them whatever they want; it is their hair,” she reiterated. 

Everyone in the salon became uncomfortable, and the hairdresser was visibly upset. Her daughter told her she was being rude, but she was too tired from having to repeat herself. 

Was she rude to snap at the hairdresser, or should the hairdresser have understood what she meant?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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