She Found Out That The Man Her Cousin Is Dating Has Been Lying About Every Detail Of His Life, Including Being Wealthy, And Her Cousin Resents Her For Revealing This

One of the risky factors of dating people you don’t already know is that they could be lying about who they are, what they do for a living, etc.
After doing some research, one woman recently found out the man her cousin is dating has been lying about every detail of his life, and instead of thanking her, her cousin now resents her.
She’s part of a close-knit family who greatly care about each other. Her cousin recently started dating a guy who seemed almost too good to be true.
He claimed to have gone to an amazing school, had a great, high-paying job, came from a successful family, and was very wealthy on his own.
“My cousin seemed very, very happy in this relationship, and all of our family were happy for her,” she explained.
“Some red flags appeared for several family members, though. Inaccuracies in back stories and some claims that seemed overblown.”
One of the red flags she noticed about her cousin’s boyfriend was that he seemed to feel a need to tell every single person he met about how wealthy he was and what big plans he had for the future.
Her cousin is also a very successful, kind, and generous person. However, her cousin is also very trusting.
Along with her boyfriend, they began looking at houses together. She feared her cousin couldn’t see through her boyfriend’s lies, and their family was worried she might be taken advantage of.

Jacob Lund – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
She remembered her cousin’s boyfriend mentioning that he lived in the same small town as her, so she used that information to research him online.
“I did some asking around and some Internet digging and discovered that literally none of the claims he made are true,” she said.
“He doesn’t have a college education, doesn’t have a job, isn’t from where he claims he is from, [and] lied about his entire family background. Everything is the opposite of what he said. I have proof.”
When some of her other relatives looked into her cousin’s boyfriend, they discovered the same information.
She decided to pass it along to her cousin’s mom, her aunt so that she didn’t have to deliver the information directly.
Unfortunately, when her cousin found out, she didn’t react as her family hoped she would.
Instead of immediately dumping her boyfriend, her cousin became very angry with her and their family for looking into him.
Now her boyfriend is angry too because he feels he never got the chance to tell everyone the truth about his life.
Her cousin feels that her boyfriend should’ve been able to tell his story on his own time.
“There is a lot of hurt and upset on all sides, and my cousin is retreating from the family and standing united with the boyfriend,” she added.
Now, she’s wondering if she was wrong for looking up her cousin’s boyfriend.
Should she have ignored the red flags, or was she being a good cousin by exposing this guy?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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