She Told Her Dad It’s His Fault That She And Her Siblings Don’t Like Their Stepmom

sepy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
sepy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 18-year-old girl’s parents had three children together– her and a set of 22-year-old girl and boy twins.

Growing up, her mother suffered from a lot of mental health-related issues that ultimately led her mom to be a poor partner and mother. At five-years-old, her parents split up, and while her father had full custody of the children, they were still able to visit her mom whenever it was deemed safe to.

Later on, her father began to date a woman who is now their stepmother. In the beginning, she and her siblings were fond of their father’s new partner and had a fun time hanging out with the woman. They viewed her as a fun aunt, and their relationships were good.

However, the longer that her father and her stepmother were together, the more he would compare her stepmother to the children’s birth mother. He would compare things like their parenting, their cooking, and just about everything imaginable.

“At the time, it wasn’t an issue. Stepmom herself didn’t overstep any boundaries, we still had a relationship with our mom, and our mom liked stepmom, so all was well,” she explained.

But by the time she turned 13, things with her mother started to take a turn for the worse. After she turned 14, she lost her mother due to her rapidly declining health.

She doesn’t remember much from that year, but she recalls that when things started to return to a new normal, her father started to compare her mother and stepmother even more. He would continue to make comparisons to prove how much of a better mother their stepmother was to them, and just overall created an uncomfortable environment for everyone.

“He’d say stuff like ‘she’s your only mother now’… and when mom was alive, it was no big deal. Now that she’s gone, it really felt as if he was forcing us to move on from our mom,” she said.

This behavior and commentary directly impacted the children’s relationship with their father and stepmother. Recently, her older sister became pregnant unexpectedly, and while her sister shared the news with her siblings immediately, she held off on telling their dad and stepmother.

sepy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Unfortunately, her sister lost the baby and needed their parents for extra support through that difficult time.

Later on, her stepmom expressed to her father how she was disappointed that the news of the pregnancy wasn’t shared with them. This led to the father yelling at all three of the children, reprimanding them for being disrespectful and cruel to their “mom.”

This was when her older sister snapped and said that none of them had asked for their stepmom to be their new mom and did not consider her as such.

In the midst of all of this, their stepmother became upset and hurt, which of course, made their father that much more angry with them. He continuously called them rude and ungrateful for everything they had done for them growing up, which is when she had had enough and responded to her yelling father.

“I responded that it was his fault that none of us liked stepmom. Had he not spent all these years shoving her down our throat that maybe we would have seen her as more than just a random girl who’s trying to take over our mom’s role,” she stated.

Now, her father has shared what she said with the whole family, and all of her other relatives think that she is mean and needs to apologize to her stepmom.

Do you think this was a wrong thing for her to say, or do you think her dad deserved to be called out like this after everything that has happened?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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