For Many of Us, We Feel We Have To Be On When Interacting With Others, So Here’s How You Can Be Social Without Getting Drained

MandriaPix -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
MandriaPix - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

The following column is the opinion and analysis of the writer, Abby Connolly.

For many of us, even when surrounded by the people closest to us, we feel like we have to be on when interacting with others. It tends to make us burn up a lot of our energy.

If you’ve been spreading yourself too thin and spending a lot of time with a lot of people, which is beginning to make you feel burnt out, here are a few ways to maintain a healthy social life without constantly draining your social battery.

Reserve Some Me Time

Prioritize days or parts of the day that are just dedicated to you. If you live alone but live in an area where you usually hang out with friends or relatives, pick two days of the week dedicated to you and your needs only.

If you don’t live alone, pick a time of day when you can reserve a space and moment that’s just for you, whether it be going on an evening walk on your own, taking a hot bath, or meditating in your bedroom. You’ll be amazed how much you can get done in those two days you spend alone, including getting some extra rest!

Be Mindful of Who Drains You The Most

If someone in your life tends to keep you out for hours every time you see them, you need to be more mindful when you choose to hang out with them. You don’t want to spend a lot of your social time with people who make you feel exhausted because then you won’t have as much left to spend with others.

Focus on creating a balance between people who energize or keep you calm and those who require more energy.

MandriaPix – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Learn To Multitask

Let’s say you’re having a rough week and you have a ton of errands to run, but your friend really wants to see you or talk to you. Try seeing if your friend or whoever it may be would like to join you in your daily tasks.

For instance, invite your friend to go grocery shopping or to the gym with you. That way, you can give this special person some social time while getting something productive done.

Rid Your Life of Those Who Exhaust You

While sometimes, it’s the people we love the most that make us feel occasionally drained, we’ve all met that one person who not only tires us but exhausts us.

If there is someone in your life who you don’t like spending time with anymore but keep doing it out of guilt or some other reason, it’s time to consider whether or not you want to keep them around. Why tire yourself out for someone who isn’t worth it?

Make a mental note or list of people who you truly believe are no longer worth your time and energy, and find a healthy way to calmly distance or end that relationship.

Don’t forget you need to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. So be sure to prioritize rest and self-care along with your friends and family. Be well!

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