
He Dumped His Girlfriend Right At The Start of Her Family Vacation After She Berated Him Last Night At A Wedding In Front of His Friends

TravelMedia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 23-year-old guy and his 23-year-old girlfriend have been dating for 5 and a half years, and they first started their relationship as high school came to a close for them.

Since they began going out together, not very much is different in their lives. He went to college just 20 minutes down the street from their hometown, so he commuted and spent every single day with his girlfriend.

Back in college, they got along great, and they shared a lot of hobbies. They liked spending time outside together, and they liked playing video games.

They communicated excellently, and if they did have a problem, they could talk through things to solve whatever wasn’t working quickly.

Everything wasn’t all smooth sailing, though. He knows he has been a bit too critical of her over the years, and she has been always dead set on doing the opposite of any advice he gave her.

“Another issue was that her career aspirations were virtually nonexistent,” he explained. “She does not have a direction in life or at least has not brought them to light.”

“She has worked at the same job since high school in our small town, and part of the reason why she doesn’t want to leave it is that I think that she is afraid to leave her family if she has to move towns.”

“I have always been afraid of what would happen if we moved away for a while and feared that her family would perceive it as me trying to take her away. In reality, all I would want is for us to start making our own memories and our own traditions together as a couple.”

Speaking of her family, she is ridiculously attached to them. He does think being involved with your family is a wonderful thing, but his girlfriend takes things way too far, and he finds her relationship with her loved ones stifling.

TravelMedia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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