
Her Half-Brother Expects Her To Give Him A Third of The Money In Her Bank Account Since He’s Struggling Financially

A.B./ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old girl and her 29-year-old brother Matt are having some difficult conversations about money. She and Matt are technically half-siblings because they do not share the same father.

Matt’s father left when he was only 10-months-old, but her father came into the picture when he was 18-months-old. Her father essentially raised Matt and eventually wanted to adopt him.

However, in order to do that, he needed Matt’s biological father’s permission, which wasn’t granted because his father didn’t want Matt’s last name to be changed.

Unfortunately, when she and Matt were both teenagers, her father passed away. Since her parents were no longer married and she was technically his only child, she inherited her father’s house, an apartment, and a piece of land.

Her father was an only child himself, so when his mother passed away, she inherited half of her grandparents’ assets. Nearly a year ago, her grandfather passed, and so she inherited the remainder of the assets, including an additional house, agricultural lands, and money in her bank account.

Matt has recently been trying to advise her on how she should use the money she inherited. She ended up using some of it to pay for her schooling and toward repairing her childhood home so that she and her mother could live in a better environment.

In addition to these expenses, she often gives Matt money whenever he struggles to make ends meet.

“My brother is a freelancer, so more often than I like, he is struggling. When he struggles, he does odd jobs which help him finish the month and pay for his needs as, apparently, his main job isn’t enough,” she explained.

Additionally, this past year, Matt pestered her to start getting into cryptocurrency, which she agreed to just so he would get off her back about it. She also attempted to start a business with him so that they could live together and he could be in charge of the business.

A.B./ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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