Her Niece Inherited A Ton of Money, Went Off To College, And Cut Her Sister Out of Her Life, But When Her Sister Got Upset, She Just Laughed At Her

highwaystarz - stock.adobe.com-  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
highwaystarz - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s a shame when kids and their parents don’t have good relationships whatsoever.

One woman recently couldn’t help but laugh at her sister, who was somehow shocked when her young daughter cut her off for being an absent parent.

She has a sister who married rich and had a baby girl mostly because she figured she had to in order to have a well-rounded life. 

Unfortunately, she never evolved into a great parent and was emotionally absent for most of her daughter’s life growing up. 

“Truthfully, she never looked after her own daughter for a single day,” she said.

“Even on things like Christmas, she would go to parties, and her daughter would celebrate with us. We all knew her daughter wouldn’t have any semblance of a relationship with her. As she got older, my sister would talk to her, but it was never about things she liked.”

For instance, her sister once bought her niece a trip to Disney as a way to buy her affection, but she wasn’t even aware that her daughter was terrified of theme parks.

Her brother-in-law hasn’t been around for her niece either, as he travels for work and is rarely home.

Now, her niece is all grown up at 18-years-old. She recently went to college and is set to make a life of her own, especially after receiving a lot of money through her late grandfather’s inheritance.

highwaystarz – stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“My dad drove her up to her college dorm a couple of days ago, actually,” she explained.

“She’s doing well. As soon as she got there, she sent her parents a text informing them that she was cutting them off and to no longer contact them. No one is surprised, not even her dad. No one besides my sister, apparently.”

Since getting the text from her daughter, her sister has been complaining non-stop and freaking out.

The other day, when her sister brought it up, she couldn’t help but laugh at her reaction and tell her that everyone in the family tried to warn her this would happen if she didn’t make more of an effort as a mom.

“She went and complained to our mom, who is potentially the only one on her side,” she added.

“She called me immature and said it was the wrong thing to do [and] I need to apologize.”

As of right now, she doesn’t feel like she should apologize for what she said to her sister. 

Should she apologize, or did her sister need the reality check?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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