She Feels Like Diaper Bags Are Non-Negotiable And Must Be Brought Everywhere For Their 1-Year-Old Daughter, But Her Husband Only Ever Brings One Diaper With Him And Is Angry That She’s Questioning His Parenting Abilities

Mila Supinskaya -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Mila Supinskaya - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman and her husband have a 1-year-old daughter, and she genuinely believes that he is an amazing father. He is an extremely hands-on parent, and she completely trusts him.

She also realizes there are plenty of things that her husband is better at than she is.

“However, we are constantly fighting over the need– in my opinion– to bring the diaper bag with us everywhere we go,” she said.

She always makes sure that the diaper bag is stocked with necessities and loaded into the car whenever she goes somewhere.

Of course, she doesn’t think it’s necessary to bring the diaper inside everywhere– like the grocery store– if it’s just going to be a quick trip.

Nonetheless, she always keeps the diaper bag in the car at the very least.

Her husband, on the other hand, doesn’t think it’s necessary to bring the bag. Instead, he believes one diaper is more than enough to have in case of an emergency.

“I couldn’t disagree anymore with this,” she admitted.

She thinks it’s crucial to have diapers, wipes, clothes, formula, and bottles with them at all times, just in case they need it. According to her, they need these items more often than not, too.

Mila Supinskaya – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Yet, when her mother watched her daughter yesterday for an hour, her husband did not drop off their baby with the diaper bag.

Her husband was also angry because he believed that, by telling him that her mother needed the diaper bag, she was questioning him as a parent.

“But am I really questioning his parenting abilities by feeling this way?” she vented.

That’s why she’s been left wondering whether feeling like bringing the diaper bag is a non-negotiable makes her a jerk or not.

If you have kids, do you feel like diaper bags are essential items you must bring everywhere? Do you think her husband will learn the importance of having more than one backup diaper eventually? Is she in the wrong for feeling this way, or do they just have different opinions? How would you handle this disagreement?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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