She Sweetly Made Up A Little Song To Help Her Nervous Dog Be Brave When Riding The Elevator

ID 131513758 - © Chernetskaya - -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog
ID 131513758 - © Chernetskaya - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

Like humans, animals can get anxious, too. There are many different events that can induce anxiety in pets, such as when their owners leave them to go on vacation or when they have to go to the veterinarian.

Giving your pet the best possible care is always important, but it becomes even more critical if they suffer from anxiety. Watching your pet cower and shake over something as simple as you leaving the house for a few minutes can be painful and heartbreaking.

Some common signs of anxiety in dogs and cats include restlessness, aggression, destructive behavior, barking or meowing, and going to the bathroom in inappropriate places.

It’s up to you to help them manage their fear! Fortunately, there are some coping strategies you can employ to help your pet get through a difficult situation. Of course, every animal is different, so you must find what works for you.

TikToker @macrosbymel posted a video of her singing to her dog Rue while they were in an elevator. Rue is a rescue dog and was nervous about being in an elevator. The clip went viral, gaining over sixteen million views.

“POV, you have a little jingle for the elevator ride to hype up your fearful baby,” she wrote in the text overlay of the video.

The song began with the lyrics, “She’s so brave; she’s well-behaved; she is not afraid,” and finished with, “She’s powerful; she’s a good girl; she is our whole world!”

Rue isn’t the only one who needs a little extra encouragement to calm her nerves. Adult humans could benefit from the song as well. Many TikTok users shared the situations in which they would use the empowering tune to conquer their fears.

“Dog got more support in an elevator ride than I have my whole life…I’m not mad tho she is such a good girl,” commented one user.

ID 131513758 – © Chernetskaya – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

“Me singing this to myself on the elevator because I am a fearful baby, too,” admitted another.

“This about to be played before I go to the OBGYN,” chimed in a third.

“Me before going through TSA,” added someone else.

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Emily  Chan is a writer who covers lifestyle and news content. She graduated from Michigan State University with a ... More about Emily Chan

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