
She’s Refusing To Drive Her Little Sister To Her Lacrosse Game, Since She Never Wears Her Seatbelt

pololia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Are you an anxious driver? A lot of people get their driver’s licenses and have to commute in their car every single day but still have anxiety on the road.

One teenager had an incident with her younger sister, who always refused to put her seatbelt on in the car. Now, she’s refusing to drive her sister anywhere, even if it’s important.

She’s 17, and her younger sister is 15-years-old. She’s a very anxious driver and doesn’t like it, but because she’s the eldest, she often gets stuck driving her sister around.

To make matters worse, her sister hates putting her seatbelt on and is often defiant whenever she asks her to.

There have been many instances where she refuses to turn on the car until her sister has her seatbelt on. Then, when her sister finally does, she takes it off once they’re on the road.

A few weeks ago, an incident in her car proved just how important seatbelts are.

“Two weeks ago, I was driving her and her friend to the movies,” she recalled.

“On the way, there was something in the road. I don’t know what it was because it all happened so fast, but it was something big, likely something that fell off of or out of a car. I hit the brakes and changed lanes. My sister went flying and slammed into the back of my seat.”

Thankfully, her sister wasn’t hurt, and everyone was safe, but she was really shaken up about the whole thing and asked her mom to pick the girls up from the movies, as she wanted to avoid getting back in the car at all costs.

pololia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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