
He And His Mom Saw A Ghost Boy Walk Past The Couch In Their Living Room

New Africa - - illustrative purposes only

While not everyone believes in ghosts, sometimes even the most skeptical among us have paranormal experiences that shake them to the core.

This man has always viewed himself as pretty skeptical in regard to ghosts and other paranormal phenomena, but he has had unexplainable situations throughout his childhood that have made him wonder whether or not ghosts really do exist.

When he was 7-years-old, his family moved to the suburbs and into a house with a pool and a large backyard. Soon after that, strange things began to happen.

“From the living room, you could see out to the dining room, and there was a three-seater couch that sort of defined the bounds of the two spaces. I initially thought my eyes were playing a trick, but occasionally, while playing in the living room, I would notice a short boy walk past the couch; however, you would see nothing but only the top of his head. Think of Dennis the Menace’s haircut, except his hair was more of a hazelnut color,” he explained.

At least once a week, he saw this boy walk past the couch.

Several months later, he and his mom were sitting in the living room, looking towards the dining room, and he suddenly saw the boy once more walk past the couch. And he wasn’t the only one who saw the boy.

“My mother reacted to it and asked if I’d seen a child walk past,” he said.

He then told his mother that he saw the child often and that he only ever saw the child’s head. His mother said that she constantly felt like she saw something out of the corner of her eye and had previously wondered if it was just her imagination.

Later, his younger brother, who was 6-years-old at the time, told him he’d also seen the mysterious boy.

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only

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