
“Breadcrumbing” Is The Latest Dating Red Flag: Here’s How To Recognize It And Break The Cycle

laurenssika - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Remember when ghosting was the cruel new kid on the dating block? In hindsight, this phenomenon– although hurtful– was at least more straightforward.

Ghosting had its own kind of clarity: one moment, they’re there, and then poof, gone without a trace.

But welcome to 2023, where the dating world has served up a new dish: breadcrumbing. It’s more insidious, confusing, and, yes, annoying. So, let’s dive in and see how you can spot—and dodge—this particular dating pitfall.

What Is Breadcrumbing, Anyway?

Breadcrumbing is the act of sending out flirtatious but non-committal messages (aka “breadcrumbs”) to keep someone interested without actually investing in the relationship.

Picture Hansel and Gretel, but instead of leading to a candy-coated house, these crumbs lead you on an endless path to literally nowhere.

These “breadcrumbs” could be likes on Instagram, sporadic texts, or the dreaded “I’m not sure” RSVP to your date proposal. They keep you on the hook but never truly reel you in. It’s exhausting.

How To Spot The Signs

If you’ve ever been lured into a sense of comfort by someone’s constant digital presence only to wonder why you’ve never actually, you know, met in person, then you might be a victim of breadcrumbing.

laurenssika – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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