
Her Son’s Teacher Refused To Let Him Eat Part Of His Lunch Since She Felt It Was Unhealthy

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Creating a healthy lunch for a growing child is all about balance. Fruits, veggies, dairy, and protein are all important parts to include in a child’s diet. Many mothers will also have something on the sweeter side in their child’s lunch, something their kids will surely be excited to eat.

TikTok user and mother Ashy (@ashy_anne_) shares how she found out a teacher at her son’s school would not let him eat a part of his lunch.

Recently, she included a small slice of cake that comes wrapped up in its own packaging. When Ashy noticed that it was still in her son’s lunch box at the end of the day, she was pretty shocked and confused. Lately, he has been going through a growth spurt and has been eating anything and everything!

She brought up the cake with her son and asked him why he didn’t eat it. He explained to his mother that the teacher that was working during lunchtime refused to open the treat for him because she determined that it wasn’t healthy.

Ashy was shocked that this teacher thought she had the right to decide what her son could and could not eat!

Ashy emphasizes that her son gets a very well-balanced meal for lunchtime and also discusses the importance of not putting any moral attachments to food and teaching children that any and all food is good. This leads the child to listen to their body and to simply eat when they are hungry.

“We believe in this house it’s our job as adults to provide enough food and variety for our son’s nutritional needs to be met and to allow him to listen to his body and make decisions accordingly. Which means he’s allowed to have sweet things sometimes,” Ashy explained.

Ashy is frustrated with how this teacher responded to her son, who was just asking for help with opening an item out of his lunch, and is confused about why this teacher thought she had that type of authority.

This choice could have also embarrassed her son in front of his friends and potentially made him believe that he shouldn’t have certain foods.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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