
Her Husband Got Hurt In Three Motorcycle Accidents, So She Told Him That If He Has Another One, She Won’t Be There To Support Him

Jacob Lund - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Three years ago, this woman’s husband, 32, owned a motorcycle even though they couldn’t comfortably afford it.

In 2021, her husband was in a horrible motorcycle accident in which he hit a man who had been distracted during a fight with his wife, and the man unexpectedly drove his motorcycle right in front of him on the road before he could stop.

When her husband was in this accident, he suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury, which totally altered his personality.

Understandably, this was a difficult time for both of them, and it was also tough for her to cope with because she was seven months pregnant with their daughter when her husband got into his accident.

Her husband’s motorcycle was returned to him; he took it in for repairs, and after that, he went to a motorcycle club not long after their baby girl had been born.

In her view, he was gone way too much.

It was crucial for her husband to get eight hours of sleep because of the brain injury he suffered, so this meant that she was the one who was up late at night taking care of the baby. Unfortunately, her husband didn’t assist with much of the parenting at first, but as time went on, he started pitching in more often.

Things felt like they went back to normal, and her husband started riding his motorcycle again.

Later, her husband hit another motorcycle once again, incurring $1,200 in damages, and he had to pay part of this with money that they’d intended to use to remodel their bathroom.

Jacob Lund – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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