
She Planned To Paint Her First Daughter’s Nursery Pink, But Her Friend Berated Her And Accused Her Of Putting Her Child’s Development At Risk By Stereotyping Her Daughter - - illustrative purposes only

This 21-year-old woman is currently 29 weeks pregnant with her daughter. For the baby’s nursery, she was planning to paint it pink and white.

She and her husband thought this would be a good idea for the early years of their daughter’s life, and as she grew up and developed her own likes and dislikes, they could allow her to decide what color to paint her room.

While she and her husband thought this color combination would be adorable and not too difficult for them to paint, one of her close friends thought it was a terrible idea.

“She immediately said that I was putting my daughter’s future and development at risk,” she said.

According to her friend, the color pink was a stereotypically feminine color, and her daughter shouldn’t grow up thinking that she needs to like the color pink just because she’s a girl.

In response, she laughed because she thought her friend was joking, but it turned out that she wasn’t.

“She went on to tell me that my daughter will grow up to believe that she has to be girly because her own mother forced her to grow up in a room where she has no expression other than pink and girly colors,” she explained.

After her friend said this, she argued back that this was ludicrous and that she wouldn’t make her daughter act girly against her will.

Plus, she told her that it didn’t make sense that her daughter would feel forced into acting girly simply because her mother chose to paint her nursery pink before she was even born. – – illustrative purposes only

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