
She Sold Her Old Car To Pay Off Some Of Her Husband’s Debt And Finally Saved Up Enough Money To Buy A New One, But Now Her Husband’s Angry That She Isn’t Using Her Savings To Pay More Of His Bills

Andrii Iemelianenko - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman has always been great at saving money since she loves to be able to pay for purchases in cash whenever she can.

On the other hand, her husband, who is 30, is more of an impulsive spender at heart. He also has a bit more debt than she does.

So, after she recently brought up the idea of finally buying herself a car, her husband was not very happy.

For context, she actually sold her old car a few years ago just to help her husband pay off some of his student loan debt.

“And I totally didn’t mind since, at the time, we didn’t need two cars,” she recalled.

That’s why she took the hit for her husband and has been saving up for a new vehicle ever since. She has finally gathered enough in her savings account, too, that would allow her to purchase her own car in cash.

Now, the vehicle is a bit older, but she doesn’t even care.

“It’ll be something that is my own and where we won’t have to share the one car anymore and have to juggle our schedules anymore,” she explained.

When she finally filled her husband in on her plan, though, he immediately became upset. Her husband claimed not to realize that she had been “hiding” money from him.

Andrii Iemelianenko – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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