
She Told Her Coworker To Mind Their Own Business After They Made A Nasty Comment About Her Teeth Looking Yellow - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

While getting into fights or arguments with coworkers is bad for your overall work environment, sometimes people need to be put in their place. 

One woman snapped at her former coworker after she made some pretty harsh comments about her teeth.

She’s in her 20s and has been reflecting on an incident at her former job that her coworkers are still talking about to this day.

She used to work as a receptionist at a corporate office and had a coworker named Sue, who was in her 50s. 

One day, Sue brought in a homemade cake for someone’s birthday. She couldn’t have any of it, as it was full of crunchy hazelnuts and walnuts, and she had braces on her teeth at the time. 

“Generally, you’re not supposed to eat crunchy things like nuts,” she explained.

“I also just didn’t really feel like eating cake. So when Sue offered me a slice, I said ‘no thank you’ and explained my braces.”

Then, Sue told her she’d seen her drink a bunch of energy drinks at the office and asked if they were damaging her braces.

“She pointed out that my teeth look yellow and said they’d probably look whiter if I stopped drinking them, and said it was silly I’d drink energy drinks but decline a piece of cake,” she recalled. – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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