
Archaeologists Uncovered A 6,500-Year-Old Gravesite That Might Be One Of The Largest Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Burial Grounds Ever Found In Northern Europe

They found that 44 of the pits matched the ones from previously discovered Stone Age graves in northern Europe. In some of those cemeteries, skeletons had managed to remain intact. Without the remains, it would have been difficult to tell that they were graves.

Much of the Tainiaro site has been unexplored, and researchers estimate that there could be nearly 200 graves. However, that number is highly out of character with what researchers currently know about Stone Age burials.

Hakonen states that the total number of Stone Age cemeteries in all of Finland is 210. So, the size of the potential cemetery at Tainiaro comes as a surprise.

This evidence shows that large burial grounds existed even up north, altering past beliefs about northern societies. Perhaps they weren’t so small as originally thought.

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