
She Accidentally Burned Her Own Christmas Present After She Turned On Her Oven And Realized Her Husband Had Stashed The Gift In There To Hide It From Her

olenachukhil - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you have nosy family members, it can be tough to find a sneaky spot to conceal holiday presents. It’s probably even harder to hide them than it is to shop for them!

Sometimes, we may think we’ve picked a clever place, but it actually turns out to be the worst location of all.

TikToker Kassi (@kassparkk) is sharing about how she accidentally burned her own Christmas gift after her husband stashed it in the oven in an attempt to keep it a secret from her. The video of the mishap has received one million views.

“When your husband thinks a good hiding place for your Christmas gifts is the oven…” she wrote in the text overlay of the nine-second clip.

In the video, she held up a purple loungewear set to the camera, showing off the scorch marks on the fabric. Several TikTok users shared about how the use of the oven as a hiding spot would work for them.

“In my house, this would work because if it can’t be done in the air fryer, I don’t buy it,” commented one user.

“[Obviously] a bad decision this time, but I do know a family that always hid mom’s presents in the oven because she absolutely never used it. Worked for decades,” wrote another.

“I haven’t turned my oven on in 6 months. Someone could hide it there for me. I would never notice,” declared a third.

Some claimed that they didn’t realize the pajamas were ruined, believing that they were a “weird purple camouflage set,” had a gold design, or were Harry Potter-themed at first glance. Others tried to put a positive spin on the situation.

olenachukhil – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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