
She Was Canonized As The Patron Saint Of France And Became One Of History’s Most Famous Female Heroines After Rallying Supporters Of Charles VII And Leading The French Army To Victory In 1429

Frédéric Prochasson - - illustrative purposes only

When people think of some of the world’s earliest feminist icons, Joan of Arc often comes to mind.
Joan of Arc is a symbol of power, a patron saint, and one of history’s most recognized female heroines.

However, as famous as she is, some younger people don’t know much about her story. They only know she was a martyr, died a dramatic death, and rocked an iconic bob.

If you don’t know much about Joan of Arc, here is what you need to know about the legendary French heroine.

Joan of Arc, otherwise known as Jeanne d’Arc, was born in northeastern France around 1412. She was born a peasant and was the daughter of a tenant farmer.

She was not given a traditional education as a child but spent many of her younger years learning about the Catholic church from her mother.

Around this time, France was getting involved in the Hundred Years’ War, a famous series of battles and conflicts between France and England during the late Middle Ages.

After Henry VI became the ruler of both countries in the early 1420s, many villages, including Joan’s, were occupied, and people were forced to leave their homes.

Many scholars believe Joan may have had a mental illness, as when she was a teenager, she allegedly heard voices, making her believe she was receiving messages from God.

She believed God was telling her to overcome France’s enemies and bring the rightful ruler, whom she believed was Charles VII of France, to the throne.

Frédéric Prochasson – – illustrative purposes only

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