
She’s A Researcher Discussing All Of The Negative Effects She’s Observed Among “iPad Kids” Between The Ages Of Three Months And Three-Years-Old

Lumeez/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Everywhere we go—from restaurants to grocery stores—we see kids glued to a screen displaying bright, flashing colors and fun, upbeat songs.

On TikTok, discussions surrounding the idea of “iPad kids” have emerged, with people fiercely debating whether or not technology is detrimental to the growth and development of children.

The big question is: should elementary school-aged kids or younger be using devices like iPads?

According to TikToker Liv (@ratiliciousxx), the answer is no. She works in research with kids between the ages of three months to three years, and she’s talking about the negative effects she’s observed in kids who regularly use iPads.

In her video, which has received 1.4 million views, she starts by mentioning a video she recently saw of a mom saying that people with no kids do not have the right to give advice to parents who choose to let their children use iPads.

To those defending iPads, Liv states that it’s very easy to tell who is an iPad kid and who isn’t, especially in her line of work.

“There is a big difference between babies who are exposed to screens 24/7 and babies who are not, and you can tell within like the first ten minutes of meeting a baby,” said Liv.

She added that when a parent was given an iPad in front of their child and the child wasn’t allowed to have it, they would throw major tantrums.

Liv has also witnessed babies ages eight to ten months old who have no interest in actual baby toys but will light up when they spot an iPad.

Lumeez/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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