
Archaeologists In Egypt Recently Discovered A Vast Geometric Tunnel That May Help The Hunt For Cleopatra’s Lost Tomb

Nancy Pauwels - - illustrative purposes only

The search for Cleopatra’s lost tomb is one that has gripped the attention of historians, archaeologists, and adventurers for centuries. Despite her historical prominence, the location of Cleopatra’s final resting place remains unknown.

Fueled by ancient texts, legends, and modern technology, numerous theories have arisen, and several speculative searches have taken place over the years.

One of the most famous attempts to find Cleopatra’s tomb occurred in the 20th century and was led by an archaeologist named Howard Carter. However, his expedition failed to turn up any results.

Recently, archaeologists have made some headway in the quest. A team led by Kathleen Martinez from the University of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic stumbled across a vast tunnel beneath a temple located in the ancient ruined city of Taposiris Magna on the coast of Egypt. Experts have referred to it as a “geometric miracle.”

The tunnel was uncovered 43 feet below the ground. It was over six feet in height and was chiseled through 4,281 feet of sandstone.

According to the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the design of the tunnel is similar to the Tunnel of Eupalinos, an aqueduct from the 6th century B.C.E. on the Greek island of Samos. Its engineering is highly revered and was the first of its kind back in its day.

The Taposiris Magna tunnel is just as impressive. Some parts of it are even submerged in water. Currently, it is unclear what the tunnel was used for. Since 2004, Martinez has been working in the area, trying to hunt down Cleopatra’s lost tomb. The tunnel could be a crucial clue that points toward the famous ruler.

Taposiris Magna was founded by Ptolemy II around 280 B.C.E. He was the son of Alexander the Great’s esteemed general and one of the forebears of Cleopatra. The temple is believed to have been erected in honor of the god Osiris and the goddess Isis.

Coins with the names and images of Cleopatra and Alexander the Great have been found there, along with figurines of Isis. In addition, burial shafts containing Greco-Roman burials have been unearthed in the temple. It is possible that Cleopatra and her husband, Mark Antony, were buried in similar tombs.

Nancy Pauwels – – illustrative purposes only

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