
Here Are All The Things That People With Clean Bathrooms Always Do To Keep Their Space Looking And Smelling Fresh

If you prefer to use a homemade cleaner, simply combine vinegar and water. Spray the cleaner of your choice onto a cloth rather than directly on the mirror to avoid leaving streaks behind.

Squeegee The Walls Of Your Shower

After washing up, you can’t help but feel fresh and clean. It’s a great feeling, and your shower deserves the same treatment. So, every time you get out of the shower, take an extra minute to squeegee the walls.

Hard water, scale, and soap scum can build up on the surfaces. The longer you wait to take care of it, the more difficult it is to get rid of. Removing the excess moisture after each shower can help reduce the buildup of mineral deposits and minimize time spent cleaning later.

Run The Vent Fan After Showers

The significance of turning on the vent fan is often overlooked. However, it’s a necessary step when it comes to maintaining the cleanliness of your bathroom. Running the vent fan will help the air inside the bathroom stay fresh, eliminating odors and musty smells.

The fan also absorbs the moisture, preventing mold and mildew growth. It’s as simple as flipping a switch!

Use Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablets

The area in the bathroom that nobody really wants to touch is, of course, the toilet. But that’s also the one spot that’s crucial to clean on a regular basis. Use toilet bowl cleaner tablets to dissolve stains and eradicate odors.

They’re very effective in cleaning the toilet after every flush. If you prefer more natural cleaners, you can pour a little baking soda into the bowl and do a quick scrub with a toilet brush.

Sanitize Surfaces

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