
Enjoy Fresh Bouquets Of Beautiful Flowers For Longer With These Tips And Tricks For Making Your Cut Flowers Last

To replenish your bouquet’s water supply, fill a vase with cool water three-quarters of the way. If you spot any sediment that has collected at the bottom of the vase, give it a quick clean.

Maintain Proper Temperature

Fresh flowers are sensitive to light, so keep them away from direct sunlight and other heat sources to make sure they don’t dry out.

It’s also best to avoid spaces with high humidity because they thrive better in cool environments. To make flowers last extra long, consider putting your arrangement in the refrigerator overnight.

Pluck Out Rotting Foliage

Once you notice any dead or rotting leaves and flower petals, remove them immediately. Rotting foliage can cause the growth of bacteria and affect the life of the flowers.

Dying flowers release ethylene gas, which hurts their neighbors, killing them off faster. Check for rotting foliage daily and pluck them out so the water stays clean from bacteria.

Sprinkle In Lemon-Lime Soda

Flower bouquets usually come with packets of plant food to mix in with the water in the vase, but you can also make your own. Sprinkle in a little bit of lemon-lime soda as flower food.

It makes the water more acidic so the stems can absorb it more quickly. Plus, the sugar from the soda gives flowers more nutrients to continue growing.

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