
Migratory Animals On Our Planet Are In Peril, With 1,189 Species Needing International Protection

“Most of the threats to the species are from human activities,” said Amy Fraenkel, executive secretary of the Convention on Migratory Species.

“The reason why [the Convention on Migratory Species] exists is to bring countries together to agree on the key priorities for shared species.”

Agriculture and fishing are among the primary causes of the decline in migratory species. Humans also build roads and other structures, cutting down trees to do so.

They pollute areas with chemicals, plastics, light, and noise. However, action can be taken to solve these problems and save many of the species.

Humans can create more green spaces in cities, build windmill farms out of the flying paths of birds and bats, and construct passageways that allow animals to travel without needing to cross a busy road.

So, if we want to have flourishing forests and flowing rivers, we must do all we can to protect migratory animals.

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