
The Hit 1965 Science Fiction Novel “Dune” Sparked A Wave Of Environmental Activism In The 1970s Through Its Vivid Depictions And Predictions Of Climate Disasters

The idea for Dune was sparked in 1957 when Herbert visited the sand dunes in Florence, Oregon. During that time, the U.S. Department of Agriculture was planting European beachgrass and other fast-growing foliage to try to prevent the dunes from causing damage to roads and buildings. It inspired Herbert to research dunes, deserts, and ecology.

By imagining what a lack of water would do to a society, Herbert showcased what ecological changes would look like on a mass scale. He dedicated Dune to scientists who specialize in desert ecology.

This is just the beginning of literary works that center around environmentalism. As our planet continues to descend into environmental disaster, more climate fiction is sure to come.

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