
This Recently Discovered 4,300-Year-Old Egyptian Tomb Belonged To A Priestess And Her Husband

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In Egypt’s Dahshūr necropolis, archaeologists discovered a 4,300-year-old tomb that belonged to a priestess and her husband. The tomb contains wall art depicting scenes of daily life in the Old Kingdom of Egypt.

Excavations were conducted by a team of German and Egyptian archaeologists in the ancient cemetery of Dahshūr, which is located about 25 miles south of Cairo. There, they found a tomb with a flat roof and sloping sides constructed out of mud and brick.

The researchers determined that the tomb belonged to Seneb-Neb-Af and his wife, Idet. According to inscriptions, pottery, and the design of the tomb, it was estimated that the couple lived around the year 2300 B.C.E.

The inscriptions revealed that Idet was a priestess of Hathor, the ancient Egyptian goddess of music, dancing, maternity, and sensuality.

Idet’s husband, Seneb-Neb-Af, likely worked as an official at a nearby palace. The researchers believe he was an administrator of tenants, but the exact duties he carried out are unclear.

The leader of the project, Dr. Stefan Seidlmayer from the German Archaeological Institute, explained that Seneb-Neb-Af lived in a town controlled by the palace. He may have managed its funding and determined who got to live there.

The ancient couple was alive around 4,300 years ago, during the late fifth dynasty or early sixth dynasty.

At that time, the Great Pyramids of Gaza had been erected, and rulers were building their own pyramids across the kingdom.

Researchers don’t know much about everyday life for ancient Egyptians in this period, but the discovery of wall art within the tomb offers more knowledge.

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