
This Ship Went Down In Lake Superior Back In 1940, Along With The Captain, And Its Location Remained A Mystery Until Recently

With the help of side-scan sonar technology, they were able to identify the presence of a shipwreck. Later, remote-operated vehicles determined that the submerged vessel was the Arlington due to faded lettering on the hull.

On April 30, 1940, the Arlington set sail from Port Arthur, Ontario, loaded with wheat. During the journey, weather conditions worsened, yet Burke, a seasoned captain, wanted to continue through the oncoming storm.

Of course, the vessel began to fill with water. While the rest of the crew scrambled into the lifeboats, Burke didn’t budge.

No one can understand why the captain chose to remain on board. The idea that the captain must go down with the ship may point to an explanation, but they’re not expected to literally get swallowed up by the waves with their boat.

It just means that the captain should do everything possible to oversee everyone else’s safety before leaving the ship. It certainly is a mystery, and it’s one that we may never solve.

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