
She’s Disappointed About What Her Husband Bought Her For Mother’s Day, As Well As The Dinner Plans He Came Up With

Still, there’s one other issue when it comes to Mother’s Day as well – what food they plan to eat that day for dinner.

According to her, she is pretty “selective” when it comes to restaurants. Additionally, since they are trying to save money, they haven’t been eating out much lately.

However, when the topic of Mother’s Day dinner came up in conversation, her husband said he just wanted to use the sake-tasting Groupon from their anniversary. Then, he planned to “hit up the food truck” at the tasting.

Well, she wasn’t thrilled about that and decided to send her husband a list of other food places with various price ranges. She also told him that she’d rather check those places out and save their sake tasting for another occasion.

“But he still plans on doing the food truck,” she vented.

“I have nothing against food trucks. I’m just not interested in this particular one and there are other places I’d much rather go.”

This has left her in a pickle, too, because she has no clue how to talk to her husband about the situation without feeling “supremely selfish.”

So, she realizes that she has two options. She can either find a subtle way to discuss this with her husband in a way that won’t hurt his feelings. Or, she can try to find a way to be “ok” with his ideas for Mother’s Day.

Still, she has no idea which option to choose, and she’s not sure if being disappointed about his gift and food ideas for Mother’s Day is unreasonable or not.

Does it seem like her husband is trying to put in effort? Do you think she needs to have an open conversation with him to share what she really wants? How would you handle this situation in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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