A Young Child Repeatedly Spit In Her Face While She Was Flying From Atlanta To Denver With Her Husband, And The Kids’ Parents Couldn’t Get Their Child Under Control

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Friends Stock - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

It’s no secret that flying with young children on a plane can cause a lot of anxiety and stress for all involved, from the parents to the other passengers and flight crew.

While some parents and their children are able to make the most out of the experience and avoid issues, there are those few flight experiences that are disastrous.

One woman recently posted a video on TikTok detailing her experience of being repeatedly spat on by a small child on a flight.

Shayla Monnier (@shaylamonnier) was recently on a flight from Atlanta to Denver with her husband. They sat behind a row of seats where a couple was sitting with their daughter, who appeared to be around four years old.

“There was about an hour left in the flight, and the kid in the seat in front of me and went like that,” says Shayla in her video as she imitates the child spitting at her.

“Spit [was] flying all over my face and my husband’s arm.”

Shayla recalls being shocked by the child’s behavior, acknowledging that while she was young, she was still old enough to know that spitting on strangers is unacceptable.

The little girl’s parents did tell their daughter to stop spitting, but unfortunately, their discipline was ineffective, and she put up a fight to continue spitting on Shayla and her husband.

“It just became a thing,” says Shayla.

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“She fought against them, turned around [in] her seat, and spit on us again.”

In her video, Shayla recalls how the girl’s parents were wrestling with her to get her to stop spitting, and she kept wiggling away from their grasp, continually trying to turn around and keep spitting. Additionally, while the girl’s parents were wearing face masks, presumably to keep germs away, their daughter wasn’t wearing one, and they couldn’t get her to stop spreading her germs.

The little girl spat at Shayla and her husband three times, and finally, as she recalled in a follow-up video, Shayla’s husband had to tell the couple that if they couldn’t get their kid under control, he’d do it for them.

The couple acted appalled and said Shayla and her husband couldn’t understand their struggle since they didn’t have children with them, to which he responded that they actually have five children and grandchildren.

At the end of her first video, Shayla asked her TikTok viewers what they would have done if they were stuck behind that child and her struggling parents on a flight.

“I would have stood up and firmly said, ‘That’s enough; do not spit on me again,'” commented one TikTok user.

“Then [I’d] call the flight attendant if it didn’t stop.”

“I would have ordered a glass of wine for me and the mom,” commented another user.

Shayla’s video is another on the internet that sparks debate surrounding children and flying and how to manage their behavior.

What would you do if you were in Shayla’s position and unable to move your seat?

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