She Told A Couple The Reason Why They Will Not Be Invited To Any Of Her Backyard Cookouts Is Because She’s Seen Them Get Wasted At Other Parties, And She Doesn’t Condone Drinking And Driving

Monkey Business - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Monkey Business - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

When you start hosting gatherings for people in your neighborhood, you have to be prepared for some undesired guests to start poking around and intruding.

One woman who’s been hosting neighborhood get-togethers had to deny a local family from attending her parties because they have a reputation for drunk driving.

She and her husband are in their late 30s and recently upgraded their backyard, so it’s perfect for hosting. She bought a fire pit, grill, outdoor pizza oven, and more, so it’s the ultimate gathering setting.

Since re-doing their backyard, she and her husband have been hosting fun cookouts with local friends and people from their neighborhood.

Word must have gotten out about their gatherings because she was recently approached by a family friend from the neighborhood who asked why she and her husband hadn’t been invited to one of them.

“I have no intention of inviting them for what I think is a good reason,” she said.

“I’ve been to many summer parties where they were invited. Every single party they go to, they get blitzed and then drive home with their children in the car. Only in the last three or four years have party hosts started getting involved by either monitoring their drinking or taking their keys. That was only after others started saying something.”

Drunk driving is a subject she’s very passionate about. When she was a teenager, a drunk driver crashed into her parked car in a parking lot just five minutes after she got out of it. She was told she would’ve been killed if she was in the car at the time of the crash.

She also works in an emergency department and has seen the consequences of drunk driving up close.

Monkey Business – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

So when the woman asked her why she and her husband weren’t invited to her parties, she decided to be honest with her and told her that she didn’t approve of how they drink and drive and didn’t want to encourage it.

“She said she and her husband can pace themselves and wait it out, but that’s an empty promise they’ve made to other party hosts,” she recalled.

“I said, ‘That’s a chance I can’t take, and I will not babysit you when I’m hosting a party.’ I don’t think I’m [a jerk], but others have said I’m being judgmental. I’ve been told I should have a dry party if I’m so worried, [but] I think my other friends should be able to have a beer if they’d like.”

Was she wrong to deny that couple from attending her parties, or is it better to be safe than sorry?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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