
She Had Beads Literally Stuck In Her Pores After Using A Popular Drugstore Facial Scrub

Drugstore facial scrubs with colored beads have become a go-to for many people looking to combat acne and dry skin.  

But, a woman named Emma recently shared her unexpected face scrub horror story with the TikTok community. 

Emma was visiting her aesthetician for a facial and, during the service, was asked what kind of face wash she used.

Emma explained how she ran out of her normal facial cleanser and had been using a popular drugstore brand facial scrub.

“Are there any orange or red beads in it?” the aesthetician asked before alerting Emma that there were actual beads stuck inside her pores.

“Beads have been stuck in my face! She pulled out multiple beads!” Emma explained while showing the various parts of her face where beads had to be removed.

She has also pledged never to use a facial scrub that has beads again and hopes people will spread the word.

Her TikTok reached 1.9 million people, gained over two hundred and twenty thousand likes, and sparked concern amongst many commenters.

TikTok; pictured above is Emma in her video

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