
Her Sister Secretly Hooked Up With Her Ex-Boyfriend Just 2 Months After She Dumped Him But Now Their Whole Family Knows And Her Sister Has Zero Remorse

nyul - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 23-year-old girl had been with her 24-year-old boyfriend for 2 years until she decided to dump him and move on.

There were a number of reasons that led her to knowing her boyfriend wasn’t for her, and they included not being physically compatible coupled with some mental health issues.

Right after she dumped her boyfriend, she did move on and found another guy that she wanted to date.

As for her ex-boyfriend…he moved on to her sister 2 months later, and that was done completely and utterly behind her back.

Just last week, she learned that her 30-year-old sister slept with him when he came out to visit her family.

Her sister has been nothing but kind and sympathetic to her about the breakup, and she felt that her sister was the only one in her corner as her whole family adores her ex to the point she feels they like him better than her.

“That’s at least how it felt, so when my sister reached out with love and support, I felt so much better,” she explained.

“Then to find out that that was all a lie and that she was talking crap behind my back and buying my ex video games, and then getting a hotel together.”

“The part I’m having trouble with mainly is that we had a family meeting tonight, and she doesn’t regret her actions at all.”

nyul – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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