
People Open About What They Wish Others Knew About Their Disability Or Illness

golubovy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Saying that having a disability or chronic illness is “tough” would be a drastic understatement. On top of dealing with the physical and emotional implications, people also have to combat misconceptions about their ailments every single day– whether that be with friends or family members, employers, or random community members.

Thankfully, though, people online recently took to Reddit to share what they wish more people knew about their disability or illness.

And aside from the thread providing these people with a platform to speak their truths, the responses can also help able-bodied people educate themselves.

Disabilities Are Not Always Visible

“Just because you cannot physically see it or because I act ‘normal’ does not mean it’s not there.” –Ty-t941

In fact, about 10% of Americans have a medical condition that is considered an “invisible disability.” So, remember to treat everyone with kindness and empathy– regardless of appearance.

How To Speak To People With Hearing Loss 

“I have hearing loss. It does not help if you say the same thing over and over, getting more upset but not trying to say it any louder or more clearly after I tell you I can’t hear what you are saying. Bonus points if you try to talk to me while walking away.” –NoBSforGma

Instead of becoming frustrated, remember to slow down, annunciate your words, and raise the volume of your voice when speaking with someone affected by hearing loss.

golubovy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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