
Video Footage Proves This Teen Got Off The School Bus 11 Years Ago, But Then She Disappeared

Jo Ann then made her way to the Burger Barn right before they closed, to see if Ali was perhaps busy and that’s why she didn’t answer.

But when Jo Ann got to the Burger Barn, she was shocked to find that it was not even open, and Ali was nowhere to be found.

Facebook; pictured above is another photo of Ali

In the hours that followed, Jo Ann called everyone she could think of to see if Ali could have gone somewhere else.

When nobody could tell Jo Ann where Ali was, she called the police to report her daughter as missing.

According to Jo Ann, the police classified Ali as a runaway since they couldn’t find any evidence of foul play or a crime having been committed in connection to her disappearance.

Ali’s family knows she didn’t run away.

For one thing, Ali’s bag was lying on the floor of her bedroom, and money was inside. Ali’s makeup was all there, lined up by the sink in her bathroom.

Ali’s charger was in the outlet on the wall of her bedroom. Ali’s clothes were in her room. Ali’s jewelry wasn’t missing.

Everything that this teen owned, everything that she had that she considered to be special to her…it was all still there, but she was not.

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