Do You Need To Live With Someone Before You Get Engaged Or Married? Allow These Internet Strangers To Weigh In On That Question

Living together is sometimes the natural next step as a relationship progresses, and sometimes, it’s not.
Everything of course depends on the situation and the people, and one person on Reddit who goes by lissablue44 wondered if you really should live with someone before you get engaged or married.
Ever wonder about this? Well, allow these internet strangers below to weigh in on that question!

“I’m pro living together before engagement and marriage.”
“There is no practical downside to it. I moved in with my then-boyfriend after 9 years of a long-distance relationship.”
“Even though we had taken trips together and he had stayed over at mine for weeks at a time during our LDR, we’ve learned so much about each other’s habits, cleanliness standards, daily routine, and household management styles after moving in together.”
“There are certain things you just won’t discover until you’re living together.”
“We’ve ironed out the things that didn’t mesh well, and we both can say that we’ve figured out how to live together. We got engaged four years after moving in together, and the wedding is on for this year.”
“I’m pro living together too, but there absolutely is a practical downside to it.”
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“If it doesn’t work out it’s much more complicated to untangle from each other’s lives if you live together vs if you lived separately.”
“I personally think it’s a risk worth taking for the additional information you’ll gain about the relationship and functioning together, but it’s not without downsides.”
“I dated my ex for 6 years. Moved in. Got married two months after moving in. Divorced not even a year later.”
“Can easily say if we ever lived with each other before marriage we wouldn’t of gotten married lol”
“Doing a couple of years of ‘test-driving’ to see if you are on the same page in regards to household cleanliness, finances, and social activity can save one a nasty divorce.”
“I couldn’t date someone, blow money on marriage, move in together just to find out my partner lets his dog s*** on the floor instead of being a good owner and THEN having to pay for a divorce.”
“Sure, some people can hide their nasty side for a while to get their way but that would take commitment and that is not something your garden variety slob usually has.”

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“Dating someone and going back to your own space is easy. Sharing a bedroom with someone can be hard. I’ve had partners I thought were perfect until I shared a living space with them.”
“100%. The relationship dynamic totally shifts when you start living together. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend together, it’s just different when they’re the person you come home to permanently.”
“You get a better idea of their habits, attitude, and how they contribute to a partnership. Words are just words until you see someone in action you won’t really know.”
“It’s the best way to judge compatibility and deepen the relationship so that you can really know if you’re ready to marry them.”
“Skipping this step feels like… well skipping a step.”
“Yes. You should not get married having never lived with someone. Even if you are together a lot or stay at each other’s homes with frequency it is NOT the same as living together full time. You don’t really know your partner until you live with them.”
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