She And Her Boyfriend’s Ex Have Been Stalking One Another In Secret And Now That They Both Know What The Other Is Doing, She’s Considering Confronting Her Boyfriend’s Ex

A 20-year-old woman is currently in a relationship with an 18-year-old guy, and she is aware that her boyfriend’s 18-year-old ex is kind of, well, crazy.

Before she began dating her boyfriend, she was best friends with him, so she was there to witness how his ex was when he was with her.

Her boyfriend’s ex was awful to him; very manipulative and abusive. This all took a toll on her boyfriend, but now that they’re together, his ex is not exactly a thing of the past.

In fact, she realized that her boyfriend’s ex has been creeping on her social media accounts well before they began dating, and she caught his ex watching her stories on Instagram.

At first, she didn’t take this seriously at all because she thought her boyfriend’s ex was being jealous of their relationship.

When her boyfriend dumped his ex and she began dating her boyfriend not long after that, his ex’s behavior turned into stalking her.

She never followed her boyfriend’s ex on social media, and his ex never followed her, yet, his ex was looking at every single thing she posted online.

Clearly, his ex was going through a lot of effort to keep tabs on her life, and his ex went as far as to use different accounts from her family members to also watch what she was doing.

“I started getting super paranoid and anxious not only about posting anything online but even going outside and running into her in public,” she explained.

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“She also posted things targeted towards me, which I saw when I looked her up for the first time.”

“Eventually she blocked me which both made me relieved and like I had won against her trying to freak me out (even though it worked off screen). She got a boyfriend, I was busy with life and it seemed like everyone had moved on.”

Well, then her boyfriend attended a somewhat private event that was held outdoors, and she was shocked to see her boyfriend’s ex there.

Her boyfriend was completely convinced that his ex had made sure to cross paths with them that day, and she started to become incredibly anxious about his ex.

From that day forward, she started stalking his ex online. Eventually, she found her own behavior so disturbing that she sought therapy.

“This brings us to today, a year after she started stalking me,” she said. “I made my TikTok account private recently and an account I didn’t recognize requested to follow me. I instantly figured out it was her (her friends and family were following this account) though her username and profile picture were (badly) changed in an attempt to remain anonymous.

“I sent the account a DM saying I knew it was her and giving her a chance to say something before I blocked her,” she said.

“Radio silence, of course. I have an old Instagram account I don’t use anymore and I made it look like her “fake” TikTok account as a joke.”

“A week later, I clicked on her Instagram story using the copycat Insta account and she messaged me saying “stalkerish much?” For now, I’ve left her on read, but I’m wondering if I should say something to end this whole thing for good.”

How would you handle this situation if you were in her place?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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