His Girlfriend Cheated On Him And Then The Other Guy Gave Her A Present That She Refuses To Throw Away

A 26-year-old man has a girlfriend that’s the same age as him, and they have been dating long-distance for close to 2 years.

Not that long ago, his girlfriend wound up having some feelings for a guy that lives in the same place that she does.

“She didn’t realize these weren’t just “close friend” feelings until her friend group went out one night, got drunk, and they kissed,” he explained. “That’s the extent of the cheating. Feelings and one kiss.”

“The next time we were together she told me everything and seemed truly remorseful. To me, it seems like she really wants to fix this so I decided to stay.”

“Fast forward a week and I find out she received a gift from this guy. A vinyl from an artist she absolutely loves.”

Well, as soon as he found out about the present from this guy, he let his girlfriend know it makes him feel sick that this guy even did that.

He fully expected his girlfriend to agree to snapping the record into pieces and tossing it into the trash, which he said would be the only thing to make him feel better, but she refused.

“I want her to do this to really prove to me that she wants to rebuild the trust between us,” he said.

“It would mean a lot for her to put my wants above hers right now. It’s a $50 vinyl that she didn’t pay for and to me, it should be a no-brainer.”

By LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – stock.adobe.com

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He isn’t sure if his girlfriend considered this record to be more valuable than their relationship, but it’s certainly seeming that way.

His girlfriend agreed to only give the record away to one of her friends who will like it because she thinks tossing it will be wasteful.

He attempted to get the point across to his girlfriend that he needs her to trash this present in order to help him feel like he can move forward in their relationship and heal, but she won’t have it.

Knowing his girlfriend is still hanging onto this record deeply hurts him, and it will continue to hurt him if she re-gifts the record to her friend because he wants it to be destroyed.

rodri_goplay – stock.adobe.com

He’s considering giving his girlfriend an ultimatum: if she’s not going to literally throw the record in the trash, he’s going to break up with her.

He really does not want to end their relationship, but he thinks his girlfriend does not respect how he feels.

“I don’t want to lose her but I also refuse to be a pushover through this. That said, I need to pick my battles wisely and make sure this is the hill I’m willing to die on,” he concluded.

How would you handle all of this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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