
She Just Found Out That The Guy She’s Been Seeing Exclusively Didn’t Delete The Dating App They Met On And He’s Been Actively Talking To Other Girls

She’s been doing everything right to stay exclusive and remain committed to this guy, but he has not been doing the same things.

In fact, she just discovered that the guy she’s seeing has not deleted the app that they met on, and he’s been talking to other women on it.

She lost it when she found out since he told her he was going to delete it, but he didn’t do that at all.

When she did find out about this lie, she quickly confronted him about it. “…He defended having a hinge by saying it’s to protect himself because he doesn’t trust me,” she said.

She also sent him a ton of furious text messages, in which she did call him a liar and a faker, and he hasn’t said a single thing back.

She knows she should not have sent some many angry messages, but him being on a dating app definitely means he’s not that invested in their relationship, which was supposed to be exclusive in that they agreed not to talk to or see other people.

She feels absolutely bewildered because they both have said that they love the other person, and she also has already met his family.

They get together and hang out nearly every single weekend, and nearly every single day.

She’s wondering what her next move should be. How would you handle this? You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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