This 20-Year-Old Woman Has Been Seeing A Guy That’s Nearly A Decade Older Than Her And Her Loved Ones Do Not Approve

A 20-year-old woman has recently started seeing a guy in the last week. She first met him through a dating app, and she instantly liked him when she got to spend time with him in person on their first date.

Although a week is not a long time to be seeing someone, they have already been on 4 dates in just one week.

They also talk to one another a lot between their dates.

So far, this guy has asked her to exclusively see him, and he made it clear to her that he was not interested in seeing other women after they went on just their second date.

“I love spending time with him and look forward to going on dates with him, usually been just talking and spending time,” she explained.

“I feel we do get along but my loved ones i.e. friends aren’t too excited about me dating a guy who is way older and they feel that we’re in different stages of love and motives could be different.”

She knows that this guy is only interested in a serious relationship, and she is seeking the same thing so they are on the same page there.

She is also positive he’s not just trying to get in her pants and that he is genuinely interested in her as a person.

“All my friends are wary of the age difference of 9 years and I talked to him about it,” she said. “He just told me that the age would not be a problem because his parents have an age difference of 20 years and they’re living well.”

Valua Vitaly –

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“He looked stressed when I wanted to talk about the age difference and seemed scared that it would be our last date.”

Now, this guy is lovely and she thinks he really does treat her wonderfully. She does not want to hurt his feelings at all, but she’s starting to wonder if her friends are right.

Is this age difference going to cause an issue in their relationship and should she continue to see him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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