9 Of The Most Good-Hearted And Wholesome Things That Pets Have Ever Done For Their Loved Ones

Animals truly are amazing and they never cease to amaze me. After a user by the name of rhythmicfan14 recently asked women on Reddit to share the kindest actions of their pets, these stories did not disappoint.
Make sure you grab a few tissues before you dive into 9 of the most good-hearted and wholesome things that pets have ever done for their loved ones.
Her Dog Literally Saved Her Life
“Saved my life. I was 7 years old and thought it was a good idea to play in a shed in our backyard in Georgia on a hot summer day.”
“If you’ve ever been to GA you can understand the heat and oppressive humidity that there was. The shed door slammed shut behind me and it locked.”
“I couldn’t get out, I wasn’t strong enough to open the window, I was getting dizzy and lightheaded from the heat. I remember yelling and pounding at the door but no one could hear me. I was terrified.”
“My 8 years old Lab, Cassie, the same dog that slept under my crib when I was a baby to protect me was the only one who heard me.”
“She grabbed my grandmother by her pants leg and dragged her outside, even tho grandma didn’t understand what she was doing and tried to hit her with a broom to get her to stop ripping her pants.”
“Cassie got grandma outside and she heard me in the shed, opened it, and got me out.”

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“That dog saved my life. I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for her. She died with I was 12 and I’ll never forget her.”
Her Dog Chased Off A Man Looking To Attack Her
“When I was pregnant with my son I was walking my dog and this man drove by me, stopped, got out of his car, asked me for directions, and tried to approach me.”
“My dog got in front of me and started growling and backing up (he was 70 pounds of muscle). Every step the man took towards me, my dog kept getting louder (barking, growling) and kept backing up.”
‘He would not let the man get near me at all. It was so out of character for him. He was always so calm and friendly. I listened to the dog.”
“I told the man I could not help him and he just looked at me. All my hair stood up and my dog kept freaking out.”
“The man finally got in his car and drove away. 3 weeks later a woman was attacked in her home by the same man/same car.”
“It was the next neighborhood over. That dog saved my life. He was a rescue from the pound. I loved that dog. Godspeed K!”

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Her Cat Left Behind Her Favorite Toy In The Perfect Spot
“Best cat I ever had I saved by hand against all odds when I was 10yrs old (the vet told us to not even name it when we found her..) For the next 16yrs, she was my soul partner.”
“But, there at the end, it was time to let her go. Her body was giving out. So I made the appointment. I’ve had to let animals go before, and I always take their favorite toy with them and have it cremated with them.”
“On the day of the appointment, I couldn’t find her mousie anywhere. Looked for hours. And finally, grabbed another “good but not best” toy for her.”
“Anyways, we do the deed, and I’m home alone later with a broken heart. I end up emotionally, aggressively cleaning my house, for something to occupy my hands and my thoughts.”
“As I go to make the bed, I finally see it-her favorite mousie. It was tucked up safe against the wall, resting on the bed frame right next to my pillow.”
“She had saved it for me, and put it right where we should’ve been snuggling.”

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Her Childhood Dog Gave Her The Sweetest Apology
“This might be a little silly…but when I was 1-year-old, my mom rescued a dog. She was nervous to see how a rescue dog and a 1-year-old brat like me would get along.”
“She let me play with the dog as a test, and of course, within 10 minutes I pulled the dog’s tail and it yelped, snarled a bit, and ran out of the room.”
“Well, that’s that thought my mom – the dog (and the kid) failed the test. But a few seconds later, the dog came back into the room and he was carrying my stuffed animal in his mouth. He put it down in front of me and licked my face.”
“Needless to say we kept him. He would become my best friend (I’m neural a-typical and connect with animals more readily than humans). His name was Phipps and he lived to be 23 years old! Man, I miss that guy.”
Her Cat Got Her Neighbor’s Attention After She Was Knocked Unconscious
“A couple of years back, I came back home after a particularly bad dose of chemo. I fainted literally after walking through the door, never even had the chance to lock it behind me.”
“I’ve hit my head hard enough to break my brow and started to bleed quite a lot, while unconscious. I lived alone – just me and my two cats. The older one, Mal, bless His soul, started meowing/yelling so loud that my next-door neighbor came to check what the hell was happening.”
“She later described the sound Mal made as “cries of a child being skinned alive”. She found me in a literal puddle of blood and called an ambulance.”
“My small, stripey demon saved my life. I miss him so much.”

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Her Dog Alerted Her To A Gas Leak In Her Home
“First week home with my newborn daughter. Fell asleep holding her on the couch after a feeding. Woke up to my dog nosing and pawing me trying to get me to wake up.”
“Immediately smelled gas. Turns out somehow one of the gas burners on the stove was slightly turned causing gas to leak out. Dog saved us.”
Her Grandma’s Cat Made Sure She Was Ok After A Really Bad Nightmare
“I was once having an absolutely dreadful nightmare that combined with my body deciding to semi wake up and give me painful cramps in all four limbs while at my grandmother’s house.”
“Her cat prefers to sleep in my room when I’m around, although mainly on the bottom end of the bed in a corner. I woke up from feeling the mattress drop next to me, opened my eyes to find her sneaking around on the bed, staring at me with a comically concerned face.”
“Once she figured I was awake and not panicking (or whatever I was doing in my sleep) anymore, she meowed repeatedly and came to cuddle my face and chest. She basically never approaches people for cuddles, not even me.”
“I was really thankful for her concern, I knew that night that regardless of how grumpy this cat is, she does love me.”

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Her Dog Made Sure The Paramedics Could Find Her
“I was alone having a bad asthma attack and waiting for the ambulance. My dog was sat by me the entire time, just looking at me. I could tell he was worried.”
“He was super calm and chill though, just sitting waiting. He heard the ambulance before I did, as it pulled up outside and he started barking. The door was already unlocked and he rushed outside to greet them and direct them to where I was in the living room.”
“Then he sat back and was again, super quiet and still. Normally when new people come into the house he goes hyper.”
“It’s like he just knew. Something very spiritual about that dog. I think he was a monk or some important leader in a past life.”

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Her Cat Saved Her Ferret
“I had a ferret named Miso and I’d usually just let her run around my apartment during the day and keep her in her cage at night. One particularly playful day , she’d been running around for hours. After awhile I found her slumped over and non-responsive, and that’s when I found out she had hyperglycemia. Gave her some honey and she was back to normal 15 or so minutes later.”
“I also had a cat, an incredibly dopey Persian, named Prof. Ruggles. Well one day, I’m on my computer doing homework and Ruggles comes up to me and just starts meowing. I acknowledge him and go back to work. He doesn’t stop, though, just louder and louder meows. I notice that he starts looking between me and Miso’s cage between meows, so I get up and take a look.”
“Miso’s unconscious after having an episode and I had no idea. And I likely wouldn’t have had any idea if it weren’t for Ruggles telling me something was wrong.”
“Hero of the Day, right there.”
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