
His Girlfriend Prevented Him From Getting His Dream Career So She Could Selfishly Date Him

Well, they ended up in a relationship after that, and his girlfriend is currently 8 months into her pregnancy with their child, a baby boy.

Not that long ago, his girlfriend revealed the secret that she has been keeping from him for years, after saying she has a lot of guilt about it.

The only reason she really came forward is that she’s concerned bad vibes might somehow transfer to their unborn baby.

So, the secret that his girlfriend has been keeping from him is that she lied about him to her boss, which means he never got presented as a candidate for the job he wanted.

She intentionally intervened with his ability to have that career so that she could selfishly try to date him, which she knew couldn’t happen if he worked for her.

“Yeah it was a long time ago but I was pissed tf off because that means I could’ve had a chance at my dream job this whole time but not only did she keep it but she lied,” he said.

“All because she really liked me and if I was working under her there was no way we could do anything outside of work.”

“ALL this because she hoped we’d have a chance to go out. I’m so…LIVID!!! I couldn’t even talk. Couldn’t even look at her. Before yelling or doing something stupid I left the apartment.”

Since he left, his girlfriend has tried to reach out to him, though he’s ignoring her. He seriously thinks this is an enormous issue, and he’s currently “reevaluating” their entire relationship.

What do you think he should do? You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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