
Her Sister Works At A Small Restaurant And She Just Applied For A Job There Even Though Her Sister Asked Her Not To

“I asked why, and she said that she “doesn’t want me to work there because it’s her place and doesn’t want it to become mine too.” I thought she was implying that she didn’t want me stealing her hours, but I told her that wouldn’t be the case since this is a server position, not the same position as her.”

Her sister pointed out that she wasn’t worried about her taking hours away from her, but her sister didn’t elaborate further.

She kept pushing her sister for a concrete answer as to why she doesn’t want her to take a job at the restaurant, and her sister continued to say she doesn’t want to share her place of employment with her.

On one hand, she has never felt that close to her sister, and on the other hand, it’s not like she gets into arguments with her, so she’s struggling to understand why her sister absolutely doesn’t want to work at the same place as her.

She found it strange that her sister felt like working there alone, and she applied for the job even though she knew her sister did not want her to do that.

Her sister did find out that she applied, and her sister is no longer speaking to her because she’s that angry.

“Honestly, I don’t really regret applying for the job,” she added. “I saw the posting, thought it would be a great opportunity, and wasn’t at all expecting the reaction my sister had.”

“Her reason for not wanting me to work there didn’t make sense and they didn’t seem like valid reasons for me to not apply. Not wanting me to work there because the place is “hers” seems like a childish way of thinking.”

Do you think her sister is being childish about this? Do you think she should have respected her sister’s wishes and not applied for the job?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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