
His Ex-Girlfriend Dated His Best Friend And Now Wants Him Back

“Me being vulnerable, I told him that if anyone was going to date her I wouldn’t mind if it was him,” he explained.

“He told me that he wouldn’t do anything out of respect for the both of us and that she had been venting to him about wanting to get back with me.”

A month later, he tried to go on multiple dates in an effort to forget about his ex, but then his ex sent him a message asking if he would like to get dinner to celebrate his birthday.

He said yes to his ex, and at the dinner, they talked about what their lives have been like since they broke up.

His ex revealed to him that she was with his best friend, and they officially got together just a week after his best friend had that chat with him.

“At this point, my heart drops and I’m angry AF,” he said. “She still tells me that she regrets it all and that she still wants to work things out with me.”

“I’m weak and still in love with her so I tell her that I’m not opposed to trying again but I’m still hurt.”

“Fast forward to now, after a month of multiple long nights and deep talks back and forth with both my ex and my “best” friend.”

“She puts her foot down and tells him she doesn’t want anything with him and doesn’t want to be with him and desires to work things out with me. I talk to him about it and he tells me he’s going to move on.”

“He apologizes to me and says that he fell too fast and was too afraid to face me. I express my disappointment and we leave it at that.”

Currently, they are weeks after these talks, and he just found out that his ex-girlfriend is back to being super close and friendly with his best friend.

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