
She Agreed To Cover Part Of Her Best Friend’s Portion Of The Rent When They Moved In Together, But Now She Wants To Back Out Of That

Volodymyr - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Several months ago, a 29-year-old woman moved in with her 25-year-old best friend, and it has not been smooth sailing so far for this living arrangement.

She knew that she would certainly encounter challenges living with her best friend, as it’s pretty difficult to live with anyone and have zero issues, but things are turning into way more than she bargained for.

Before moving in with her best friend, she agreed to cover part of her best friend’s portion of the rent, considering her financial situation is much better than her best friend’s.

She also wanted to cover some of her best friend’s ent because it really was the only way for them to find a place where they could live together.

Everything in their area is either super expensive and completely out of their price range, or they would be forced to share an apartment with strangers if they wanted to go an affordable route.

She basically pays 3 times more than what she would be paying if she just lived with strangers, but back when she agreed to do this, she thought it was worth it.

The biggest issue she has with her best friend is not the money she’s putting down to cover her part of the rent; it’s the fact that her best friend uses her things without asking.

Her best friend will use her food, her drinks, and even her bath products without asking or offering to pay for them, though to be fair, from the get-go she did tell her best friend she was happy to share.

She never thought her best friend would be using basically everything she owns though and she figured sharing would be more within reason.

Volodymyr – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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