
She Went On One Date With A Guy Before He Said He Loves Her And She’s Wondering If That’s A Problem

She was very taken aback by him blurting out his love for her, especially since he had already confided in her that he had basically no dating experience.

She thinks his intentions are genuine, but she doesn’t feel comfortable saying those words to him just yet.

“I feel bad since I can’t say “I love you” back as I have only known him for like… less than a week,” she said.

“I definitely like him and I’m eager to see where things go but it’s still way too early to say this stuff. I’m so confused but I would consider this as more of a yellow flag due to inexperience dating and different cultures.”

Do you think him saying that he loves her so quickly is a red flag, or do you think she’s right and it’s more of a yellow one?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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