
She’s Angry At Her Stepmom For Giving Her Stepbrother More Money Than She Got For A Graduation Gift

antgor - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 20-year-old girl has a dad who got married 3 times, and his current wife he tied the knot with 3 years ago.

Right after her dad got married to her stepmom, they had a son together. At that time, she was living in a different state than her family, and she chose to move back home with her dad and stepmom.

It was really important to her to get to be there to see her baby brother grow up, and that’s why she made the move.

The same year that she moved home, she began her final year of high school, and it was pretty difficult for her to settle in, though after she did she was happy.

Right around her high school graduation, her dad and stepmom promised to gift her some money so that she could buy her own car.

Her dad and stepmom were so excited about her graduation since she has 6 younger sisters and brothers and they thought she was setting a great example for them all.

She isn’t really sure how she made a good example for her 17-year-old brother, since he never has done well in school and she thought he just wasn’t a great person.

He’s been fired from a job for bad behavior and he never seemed to get decent grades in school. Her stepmom frequently has done papers, projects, and even homework for her stepbrother.

Her dad and stepmom made it very clear what amount of money they were going to give her as a gift, and she appreciates that they are always this honest when it comes down to gift-giving, regardless of the occasion.

antgor – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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