
He Recently Bought A House With His Girlfriend, But Since All The Chores Have Been Dumped On Him, He Wants To Break Up Because He Feels More Like Her Dad

For around 2 months we lived like homeless people. The kitchen piled up, multiple bins in the corner stinking the house out.”

None of their clothes got washed, nothing in their house got vacuumed, and nobody picked up after their dog so their garden wasn’t a place where you wanted to walk.

His girlfriend increasingly complained about the mess, but still did not try to do anything to fix it. Eventually, she just started washing the clothes she needed to work and nothing else, or she would simply grab takeout.

Things were so bad in their house that he had to take an entire day off from his job to get it back to where it should be.

His girlfriend did thank him for his deep cleaning day, but she still failed to do anything around their house.

“So fast forward to the present,” he said. “I cook, I clean, I do the washing, I do the ironing, I work, I go to the gym, I feed the dog, I walk the dog, I clean up after the dog.”

“AND I hoover every day. While she comes home and moans about how hard her job is and that she can’t be bothered doing anything.”

He really wants to let go of his girlfriend, but the single thing holding him back is that he’s locked into the mortgage rate that he and his girlfriend have.

If he dumps her, he will have to remortgage the house in just his name or sell the house, which will leave him in a lot of debt.

He mentioned his girlfriend does profess her love for him nearly every day, but that’s about all she does do.

“All I know is, I’m not happy, I’m not in love anymore and I’m sick of being a parent to a 28-year-old woman,” he concluded.

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